Request To Send - traduzione in olandese
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Request To Send - traduzione in olandese

Request to Send; Clear to Send; Request to send; Clear to send; RTS/CTS (disambiguation); Clear to send (disambiguation); Request to Send (disambiguation); Clear To Send

Request To Send         
vraagt toestemming uit te zenden (bij gegevenscommunicatie)
clear to send         
verzendgereed - een besturingssignaal v. h. modem naar het terminal, dat aangeeft dat de gegevens kunnen worden verzonden
send to Coventry         
Sent to Coventry; Sending to Coventry; Send to coventry
in de ban doen


·noun The impulse of a wave by which a vessel is carried bodily.
II. Send ·vi To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an Errand.
III. Send ·vi To Pitch; as, the ship sends forward so violently as to endanger her masts.
IV. Send ·vt To cause to go in any manner; to Dispatch; to commission or direct to go; as, to send a messenger.
V. Send ·vt To give motion to; to cause to be borne or carried; to procure the going, transmission, or delivery of; as, to send a message.
VI. Send ·vt To cause to be or to happen; to Bestow; to Inflict; to Grant;
- sometimes followed by a dependent proposition.
VII. Send ·vt To Emit; to Impel; to Cast; to Throw; to Hurl; as, to send a ball, an arrow, or the like.



RTS/CTS (request to send/ clear to send) may refer to:

  • Request to Send and Clear to Send, flow control signals
    • RS-232 RTS/CTS, today's usual RS-232 hardware flow control
    • IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS, wireless networking protocol flow control
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Request To Send
1. But Pakistan is resisting the Pentagon‘s request to send additional U.S.
2. He said the government is still weighing the request to send Nepalese troops.
3. For the fourth straight day Friday, Ukraine refused Russia‘s request to send gas along to Europe.
4. Britain has said it is urgently considering a request to send more troops to fight the Taliban insurgency.
5. He referred to the US request to send troops to Iraq, which Pakistan declined as the situation in that country did not warrant it.